Lenior Rhyne University Instant Acceptance |
Lenoir Rhyne University Instant Acceptance |
October 17th: Lenoir-Rhyne University was on the campus of Alexander Central to instantly accept Seniors who had applied and met all of the event deadlines. We are happy to announce that 20 seniors were accepted to LRU! Merit scholarship monies offered that day total $1,384,000 over four years! Go Bears!
Campbell University Instant Acceptance |
November 7th: Campbell University was on the campus of Alexander Central to instantly accept Seniors who had applied and met all of the event deadlines. We are happy to announce that 16 seniors were accepted to Campbell! Merit scholarship monies offered that day total $1,196,000 over four years! Go Camels!
Western Carolina University Instant Acceptance |
November 16th: Western Carolina University was on the campus of Alexander Central to instantly accept Seniors who had applied and met all of the event deadlines. We are happy to announce that 23 seniors were accepted to WCU! Scholarship monies are not offered at the time due to WCU being a UNC state system university. Go Catamounts!
This is a grand total of 59 seniors accepted to college through these events with a grade total of $2,580,000.00 scholarship monies awarded. We are very proud of the Class of 2018!
Please enjoy the photos that are attached! (note - not all students were present for the pictures)
Thanks to the ACHS Counselors for arranging the Instant Acceptance Days and supporting our students!