Friday, February 9, 2018

ACTivate is in Full Swing

Students attend an optional writing tutorial during SMART lunch
ACTivate is in full swing at ACHS. In addition to SMART lunch tutorials offered daily, all students are participating in warm-up questions during each block. Students in 9th and 10th grades learn the importance of being invested in preparing for the ACT. For seniors, it's not too late to gain important knowledge and skills that are tested on the ACT. Students visit our ACTivate website and complete questions in various subjects. Specialized screencast videos created by our very own teachers model how to work out the questions. Students can visit the website again to view the videos and watch the tutorials as often as they'd like. 

The SMART tutorials have been a huge success. Students attend optional sessions during lunch to work through sample test questions with our teachers. Important test taking strategies and tips are shared and students have the opportunity to ask questions.  
Students, don't forget about the practice ACT that will be given on February 15 for all 11th grade students. Students will report to the cafeteria and work through the Math, Science, Reading and Writing portions of the test. The English portion was completed and reviewed in English 3 classrooms for fall and spring semester. The ACTivate calendar is pictured below. 

Skills USA State Conference Results - Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

Our students competed and represented ACHS in amazing fashion. A total of 23 students went on the trip and they competed in 12 differen...