Friday, December 15, 2017

Keeping Students Engaged - Project Based Learning

Project based learning involves deep thinking and understanding. Students work for an extended period of time to investigate a problem and formulate a solution. This learning method typically involves research and experimentation. 

Students explain how a water generates power. 
Recently, students in Environmental Science classes worked to investigate various renewable energy solutions. Students created models to showcase what they had learned. 
Students show how corn is processed to create ethanol.
Working in collaborative teams, the students presented the information through PowerPoint presentations and a demonstration of their working models.
Students describe how turbines work. 

Friday, December 8, 2017

Walls That Teach

We know that the classroom environment affects learning. Many times we discuss providing flexible seating or creating inviting spaces as a way to encourage student learning and engagement. Teachers also use their walls to reinforce important concepts and help establish key understandings. Posting key concepts and points around the room will facilitate learning for students and remind students and support students in making connections between concepts. 

In some classes, walls display reference materials (such as the periodic table pictured above) and key vocabulary terms (pictured below in a math and Spanish class). 

Graphic organizers and anchor charts can be posted and incorporated into instruction as well. "Walls that teach" are interactive and evolve as learning concepts change. The displays in the classroom communicate importance to students, with the most relevant information organized and vibrantly colored. An effective print environment portrays meaning and is used instructional to reinforce key concepts to students. 

Friday, December 1, 2017

Technology Integration and Project Based Learning

Teachers use technology as an instructional tool in a variety of ways. One way that teachers use technology to impact student learning is having students to create a product to showcase their learning. These projects offer a chance for students to interact with their learning. Teachers can also use these projects as a way to evaluate whether students have a deep conceptual understanding of the learning targets. 

Recently, Biotech students created digital projects to exhibit their grasp of genetic mutations. One group created a genetic mutation rap and another group presented a dramatic breaking news story

Also, English IV students created MacBeth projects that included a song and a movie trailer

Skills USA State Conference Results - Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

Our students competed and represented ACHS in amazing fashion. A total of 23 students went on the trip and they competed in 12 differen...