Friday, February 23, 2018

Elective Fair Highlights Opportunities at AC

A recent parent information night showcased various opportunities at ACHS. Students can choose from a multitude of course offerings and may choose to be involved in extracurricular clubs or organizations as well. 

Two Elective Fair Nights were held for students in 9th, 10th, and 11th grades. Students could visit the tables and learn about the different course offerings and activities associated with the elective opportunities at ACHS.  

Student representatives from the clubs and organizations were also on hand to answer questions about the programs. More information about the elective choices and our CTE programs can be found on the ACHS registration website. If you have further questions about the elective choices, please contact the Counseling Center. 

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Practice ACT is a HUGE Success!

Students work diligently on the practice ACT. 
On Thursday, February 15, 11th grade students participated in a full-scale practice ACT. Students gathered in the cafeteria and completed each multiple choice section according to the standard time limit. Learning appropriate pacing for each section is imperative for ACT success. Students even had the opportunity to plan and organize an essay to practice the writing portion of the ACT. Testing wrapped up just in time for lunch. 
Students listen intently as ACT tips are shared. 
Students returned to the auditorium for pre-coding. Each student completed an interest inventory and student profile on his/her actual ACT answer sheet. Important tips and reminders were shared with students in preparation of the Tuesday, February 27 administration. Students learned how to find their practice test raw scores in SchoolNet and used the table pictured below to convert their raw scores to ACT scale scores. 
ACT Raw Score to Scale Score Conversion Table

Friday, February 9, 2018

ACTivate is in Full Swing

Students attend an optional writing tutorial during SMART lunch
ACTivate is in full swing at ACHS. In addition to SMART lunch tutorials offered daily, all students are participating in warm-up questions during each block. Students in 9th and 10th grades learn the importance of being invested in preparing for the ACT. For seniors, it's not too late to gain important knowledge and skills that are tested on the ACT. Students visit our ACTivate website and complete questions in various subjects. Specialized screencast videos created by our very own teachers model how to work out the questions. Students can visit the website again to view the videos and watch the tutorials as often as they'd like. 

The SMART tutorials have been a huge success. Students attend optional sessions during lunch to work through sample test questions with our teachers. Important test taking strategies and tips are shared and students have the opportunity to ask questions.  
Students, don't forget about the practice ACT that will be given on February 15 for all 11th grade students. Students will report to the cafeteria and work through the Math, Science, Reading and Writing portions of the test. The English portion was completed and reviewed in English 3 classrooms for fall and spring semester. The ACTivate calendar is pictured below. 

Friday, February 2, 2018

Easy Strategies to Enhance Vocabulary Instruction

Learning vocabulary is an important component for communicating within the context of any discipline. There are key terms that students must know in order to demonstrate understanding of the content. While the vocabulary within a math classroom will look very different from the vocabulary in an apparel classroom, teachers use similar strategies to reinforce these terms. 

Word Walls
Word Walls - Vocabulary terms are displayed on the walls and referenced throughout instruction within the classroom. 

Text Features: Coloring or Boldtype
Text Features: Coloring or Boldtype - In this Powerpoint presentation, key vocabulary terms are highlighted in red for emphasis. 

Direct Instruction
Direct Instruction - Introduce the words through direct instruction. It is often helpful to have a brainstorming session where students come up with related words. It can be difficult for students to retain multiple words at once. We want students to understand the vocabulary instead of just memorizing the definition. Therefore,


Repetition - Whichever strategies are used in the classroom, it is important to repeat and consistently reinforce the new vocabulary. Review the words daily and remind students when the words arise. 


Skills USA State Conference Results - Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

Our students competed and represented ACHS in amazing fashion. A total of 23 students went on the trip and they competed in 12 differen...