A new school year is up and running at ACHS. As part of the addition of our Freshman Academy, many teachers were displaced for a bit and found themselves part of the BIG MOVE. Initially, it was a daunting task for all, but in the end, a sense of revitalization has come over the entire building. Decorating a classroom can be a difficult task, Teachers strive for the perfect climate - a mix of calm and relaxing, which makes students feel at ease without encouraging them to fall asleep. Once a teacher finds this harmonious setting, recreating it in a new location is trying. The teachers at AC have worked diligently this summer to create learning spaces filled with positivity and warmth, using everything from comfortable seating options to air fresheners to make the classrooms feel inviting. If only we could digitally project the pleasant smells through this post....These pictures don't quite do it justice.
Even the front office received a face lift thanks to some fancy tile and new furniture.
These pictures only highlight a few of the learning spaces in our school. This weekly post will continue to highlight the excitement in learning that happens at ACHS! Stay tuned!