Saturday, January 27, 2018

ACTivate! - #nailedit

Jasmine is prepared. Mrs. Boyles....not so much
The ACT will be given to all Juniors on February 27, 2018. This administration of the ACT is organized by NC DPI and 11th grade students across the state are required to participate in this test. At ACHS, we use ACTivate during the month of February to help students feel confident and prepared. We want students to finish on February saying, "Nailed It!" (Unlike Mrs. Boyles)

ACT Warm-Ups
During each class throughout the day, students will watch a short video showing a sample ACT question and a focused strategy for attacking the question. The warm-ups take approximately 5 mins and expose students to potential questions and guide them in completing various types of questions. An organized schedule ensures that all question types (English, Reading, Math and Science) are addressed. 

SMART Tutorials
Scheduled SMART lunch tutorials will focus on specific strategies. Various teachers will give tips and clues for solving sample problems. A schedule can be found here

   Practice Test
Students will have the opportunity to take a practice test on February 15. Appropriate pacing is the main obstacle for students taking the ACT for the first time. It's unlike any other standardized test that students have taken in the past because many students struggle to complete all of the questions. Taking a practice test helps students with endurance and pacing. 

Our ACTivate kick-off is being presented to students during class meetings this week. You can find out more information by viewing the powerpoint that was presented to Juniors.  

Skills USA State Conference Results - Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

Our students competed and represented ACHS in amazing fashion. A total of 23 students went on the trip and they competed in 12 differen...